Do you like this website, the Sartorialist? This guy, we believe he is very handsome and smart and extremely well dressed, he goes around taking pictures of people he says dress nice. Sort of like the fashion police but super classy. Sartorial, who says that? Usually he just stays in New York. But look. He showed up in my backyard this morning! He says, "Laura, I want to do a Style Profile on YOU!"
Thanks Sartorialist!
Visual Generalist, Horse Trainer, Former Artist, Semi-retired Design Professional
Best Sartorial advice from your parents?
Style icons?
Sort of Courtney Love crossed with Princess Diana crossed with Roy Rogers crossed with Keith Richards crossed with I Love Lucy.
Describe your personal style
Sunglasses: Hopefully not lost.
Shirts: This one has a gopher with wings!
Polo shirts: I gotta get one of those.
Knitwear: Lexi once knit me a cowboy hat!
Denim jeans: Oops. These ones are from the Gap. That's embarrassing.
Jacket: I have so many jackets! My favorite one I can't find and it is brown polar fleece.
Suit: Hmm. I am pretty sure I have some swim suits from Old Navy but I never wear them.
Watches: I lost my watch a long time ago. Just carry my phone around in my pocket and try not to sit on it.
Umbrella: ???
Gloves: I wear black ones at work all the time. Some horse brand.
Shoes: Navy Blue Slip on Vans. These are the best. You will love them.
Fashion shoes: Fluevogs!
Sport shoes: You know those red goretex ones and everyone laughed at them? Also my soccer shoes.
I build my daily look around?
It is on the top of the laundry pile.
Personal Style quirk?
Brown is the new black. And then wear them together.
Most cherished item?
I think dogs are a great accessory and are they items? But I cherish them. Clogs?
I feel best wearing?
A skort!
The first thing I look at in another Sartorialist?s outfit ...
Could they wear that for dog agility or at the barn?
I always break this fashion rule.
Hmm. I might be breaking a lot of fashion rules, Sartorialist. Could you go shopping with me?
Never caught wearing?
Teva sandals!
Most underrated item in menswear/womenswear?
Navy blue slip on Vans!
Dress to impress who?
Well, gee. How about all those Team Small Dog readers who are looking to ME to provide some nice style advice?
Shine your own shoes?
I hadn't thought of this. Shiney shoes would be nice!
There is a tree down the street from me that they hang stuff for free in. I have gotten a book on trains there and a fur stole with eyes and claws but I usually do not partake in shoes.
Favorite stores?
How about ebay and zapposshoes.com? Oh, don't forget Target! We are supposed to list our favorite stores in glamorous European Cities here but we really only usually go to Target and maybe Urban Outfitters, the house of chintz.
Your next "must have" purchase?
I think someday I would like a border collie but I would like to get one from a rescue and wait til I have a bigger house. I was thinking it would be cool to get a huge box of plastic bags to use for poop bags.
I skimp when buying ...
Favorite item of clothing
Guilty pleasure
Are dogs guilty pleasure? We have a lot of them. Pizza? Oh, I know, Cashmere!
Cologne, skincare?
Most stylish city?
I think they always look way better than me in San Francisco no matter what I wear.
When I was high school I wore?
Things that were either too short or too ripped or too long depending on whether it was my stoner phase, punk rock phase, or hippie phase.
Dog agility man!
Favorite fashion magazine?
We get Clean Run and the New Yorker. Sometimes they are like fashion magazines?
Favorite vacation spot?
Panguitch, Utah and Tonopah. Here I think we are supposed to list our favorite European secret places but really I have been to Paris once and Tiajuana and Colorado, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. Oh well.
Favorite neighborhood restaurant?
We very much like taquerias and pizza. There are lot of places for both in our neighborhood.
Yes, yes, Capt TSD!!! At times like these we need The Agility Sartorialist. And if TAS shows up chez moi I promise I'll put my man-eating rottweilers on leashes.
Vans are good but a bit hot in the summer. What about flip flops? We won't even discuss Crocs.
Try the artichoke burrito with mole at La Cabana. Sounds a bit wierd but it's great. Service is slow, so you have to be in one of those hang-loose moods.
can't wait 2 c the TSD with a BC in d team...
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